Hello, I'm a Front-end developer based in Buenos Aires!

Ben Sadler

Writer / Developer / Teacher

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I'm looking for a new stage in my career as a front-end developer, help me find it!

I have 5 years of experience working for American companies, my main skills are Next, React, Svelte, SveletKit, React-Three-fiber, Three.Js, Node, Express.js and JavaScript, obviously. I am also very proficient in coding HTML and CSS, time taught me about simplicity and mastery of the basics. I worked on different projects, from back office apps to 3D games developed with React-three-fiber.

Today I am looking to specialize me in data viz, storytelling and 3D.
This tools can help me to create more immersive experiences and help me to grow as a developer.

I am available for any questions or interviews, do not hesitate to contact me.

Work Experience

July 2022 - Present
Full Stack Developer in The Flock
Developed web app with React from scratch, added features and maintain source code Reviewed code on pull request Added features to Node.js backend Deployed changes to AWS ec2 instance Mentored junior developers.
Tech: React, Hooks, Node, Mongo, AWS, Git, Jira
January 2022 - July 2022
React-three-fiber Developer in Edgar Allan
Developed Three.js game, rendered Blender models, added functionalities, implemented UI. Fixed big accesibility issues in complex app. Learned React-three-fiber
Tech: React, Hooks, Three Js, React-three-fiber, accessibillity, Git, Jira
September 2021 - February 2022
React Developer in Distillery
Learned Typescripts fundamentals. Worked with Next.JS. Gained experience working with large teams.
Tech: React, Hooks, Next, TypeScript, Node, Git, Jira
November 2019 - August 2021
Front-end Developer in Unihive
Developed Figma prototypes to code. Maintained reusable components library. Experience solving problems with colleagues. Gained professional experience in React. Developed client-side from scratch with new technologies. Integration with serverless. Worked hand by hand with project owner.
Tech: React, Hooks, Node, Svelte, Git, Jira
March 2019 - December 2019
Teacher in Equidad NGO
Teached HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Contributed to the study program.

I ♥

Literature, Movies, Playing Bass, Bikes and Cats

On the web

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